This is my first of three installments using turkey leftovers, my husband and I put our heads together to create something new or at least new to us and something we thought would be really tasty. I think we did an excellent job with creating what we called BLTT, bacon, lettuce, tomato, turkey sammie’s. After we decided on the base of what the sammie would be we wanted to dress it with something other than mayo along with using more of our leftovers, so we matched cream cheese with some cranberries and it turned out great.
2 Large Croissants
4 Slices of Bacon
4 Slices of Turkey Breast
2 Slices of Swiss Cheese
3 oz. Cream Cheese (soft)
2 Tbs. Cranberry Sauce (whole or jelly)
1 Tomato (sliced)
Cook the bacon until crisp over medium high heat, while the bacon cooks place 2 slices of overlapping turkey portions onto a cookie sheet and the other portion on the opposite end of the sheet. When the bacon is done remove from the pan and drain on paper towel, lay 2 slices of bacon onto each portion of turkey. Place a piece of cheese on top of the bacon and place under a heated broiler until melted and brown. Mix the cream cheese and cranberries then spread onto both halves of the croissant. Slice the tomato and shred some lettuce, when the cheese has melted and browned remove from the oven and place a portion of turkey onto one half of the croissant and top with tomato and lettuce then top with the other half of croissant, serve with a bowl of soup and enjoy.
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Looks yummy, I love bacon and turkey! I think you used Croisants tho not Crescent Rolls :)
Your right Sis, they were Croissants...THANKS for Correcting Me ;) !
yes indeed, it's thanksgiving in sandwich form. i love it. :)
This and your pumpkin butter parfaits will just hit the spot! Yummy!
I have a few awards for you!
I love anything with cranberries in it. This looks like it would be no exception. Doesn't hurt that it has bacon on it either!
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