I was watching Paula Deen on the Food Network one day and could not believe what I saw her doing, but then at the same time I was really not surprised but I sure was intrigued. I looked through You Tube and was able to find this video clip to show my husband and he was shocked and amazed at what Paula was doing, but at the same time we both knew that we MUST give this recipe a try. I do confess that this had to be one of the best things I have ever eaten and probably the worst for me health wise.
2- ½ Lb - BBQ Burgers
4 Strips - Bacon (cooked)
2 Eggs - (fried)
4 - Krispy Kreme Donuts
Place one donut down on a plate and top it with 1 burger, then with 1 egg and then with 2 strips of bacon (break each strip into 2 sections) then top the entire thing with another donut. Sit back in awe on what you are just about to consume then raise it to your mouth and just go for it. The contrast between sweet and savory is just unbelievable and downright DELISH!!!

As much as it makes me ill to think of it, I bet I would love this burger!
WOW...I thought this was a joke at first. I have to admit it kinda sounds yummy...but am I brave enough??? Since my younger brother just had a triple bypass at 43 and as I approach my 50th birthday, I might better let someone else enjoy this extraordinary dish!
OMG, this is too cool! My daughter is having a doughnut party soon for a few of her friends and I am totally going to serve the doughnut burgers like this! What a great idea! Thanks!
It really was delicious! Man that is crazy! It looks unbelievable! Way to go for trying it!
Wow.... I would love to try it! But, I wonder how much is the calories.... hehehe....
Hey, there! Came across your page from Tastespotting. Great photo and "recipe" ;) If you were ever to eat these delicious abominations again, a calorie cutting tip is to slice one donut in half to create the "buns." And put the glazed side on the inside to avoid sticky fingers! It has become one of my life goals to try a donut burger! Apparently it's nothing new, either. There's another variation called the "Luther Burger" sold in a place in GA, and they're also sold at ballpark games somewhere in IL!
that has to be the most disgusting thing ever. why has it become socially acceptable to silently kill ourselves? put down the fat sandwich and go for a run!
WOW! That is quite the burger. I bet it was delicious. Impressed that you tried it, how did she even think up such a recipe?
I love the fact that you gave this a try and I got to live vicariously through you.
It's not like you're going to be eating this every day.
This burger is so Paula Deen - and even though I would be embarrassed to admit it, I bet I would love it!
Typical Paula Deen! I've been making a lot of her recipes lately since my husband just loves her. This one is over the top and looks I'm sure is fantastic.....(I don't want to think about the fat content!)
oh my gosh.... you americans! :P
I'm absolutely not daring enough to make one of these..
Greetings from the netherlands! ;)
I'm not one to turn down any food, but for some weird reason I just can't handle the thought of these. I think that every time I see them. Maybe it's the gooey sugar and meaty grease together, but it gives me the chills. Perhaps if I stuck an orange slice between the "bun" it would help lol!
I bet they were a blast to make though, and will trust you on them tasting great!
OMG, way too much for me. But I can imagine that it could work.
Paula makes a bread pudding with Krispy Kremes, whipping cream and eggs. Don't know if I could eat it but I bet its delicious.
That looks so bad for you but I would definately give it a try given the chance.
I'm sorry but I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
...And the outright negative people are bashing because..?? Yikes! Did you not read the title OR the entry? Lighten up, people! You'll die of bitterness soon before you'd die of trying something like this once ;)
I'll be sure to try a bite some time in my life... Gotta try everything once!
you're the first person i've known to actually replicate paula's creation! i'm oddly proud of you. :)
I came across your blog on tastespotting. I watched Paula Deen make that burger on her show and almost died. Ever since it's been a secret dream of mine to try it. I'm impressed that you did.
I would never have thought this would taste good! Wow! I guess it goes to show that donuts make everything taste better. Way to go for it!
I can not believe you made these! I saw Paula make them and although thought they would taste fabulous, never in a million years would have thought to make them. Does your heart hurt?
Paula talked about this when she was a guest on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!. She did say that the serving size was one of these burgers per lifetime.
I would of never thought to do such a thing. I bet it is delicious - I love sweet and savory together!
I had to think about this for a minute, the combination is unique and I'm sitting here trying to figure out what it would taste like and you know what, I think I'd love it! The meat and sugar thing isn't unusual here in Pa. people put pancake syrup on sausage and scrapple! Most bbq sauce has sugar in it. The more I think about it the better it sounds!!
That is utterly ridiculous and possibly genius! Can anyone say heart attack on a plate?
Oh my goodness, I think I just had a heart attack just looking at them! I think I'll have to try them myself!
Oh my! I think my heart just stopped!
ohhh yes..I saw Paula do this. While it looks totally NASTY. I bet it was absolutly delicious!
One would hurt..I just couldnt eat anything else the rest of the day(or maybe week) lol
why am I not surprised lol Paula Deen always comes up with some crazy stuff like this!
I'd find it funny if she took the entire burger and coated it in flour and then deep fried it. I hope she's not reading this lol
OMG! Is that America, or what???!!!!
*Jaw drop* No way! I am distrubed and yet intrigued and I think my hips just expanded 4 inches just reading the post.
They look delish ..but I can't have those even though I want them they are as you said heart stoppers ...I have to think of my figure lol :)
The fat cow stole the recipe from Mulligan's in Atlanta and claims she invented it. Not sure if it originated with Mulligan's, but they were pretty well known for it in Atlanta and throughout Georgia culinary circles.
Are you serious? I thought this was a joke!
This exact recipe, the Luther burger, was mentioned in the Adult Swim cartoon show "Boondocks", episode named "Itis".
In the cartoon Luther helped turn lean yuppies into lazy fat-addicted bums and their beautiful neighborhood into a dirty, dangerous ghetto.
This is why I'm against universal health care.
I think it looks bad. I like everything separate there, but not together. That is why I don't like Deen's cooking---too much sauce and added stuff to already good food. Of course, that is true with all the cooks on tv. I think eating one of these would be the equivalent to smoking about three packs of cigarettes at one sitting.
Disgusting. As the other person above said, why is it acceptable to silently kill ourselves? This is horrible. And it is an ungrateful waste of food.
i love your blog
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