It was such a warm and sunny day today that it put me in a very loving spring mood, such a good mood that I wanted to share it with all of my friends. Today we are having a Spring Giveaway... More Joys of Jell-O Cookbook. This is such a fun cookbook; it has great kids ideas along with Holiday and of course my favorite, quick and easy recipes. This contest will run from today 4-19-09 to 8pm Pacific Standard Time 4-24-09. Simply leave a comment telling us “As a kid what was your favorite Jell-O recipe to eat”. We will randomly pick a winner from 1 to however many comments we get. That lucky winner will receive a free cook book from us in the mail, if you would like to enter but are not part of the bloggers then simply e-mail me your answer & your name to mdaniels1986@yahoo.com. Good Luck to everyone!!

My granny used to make this stuff with jello called green goop, it had nuts, whipped cream.. and it was so delicious. I have the recipe somewhere, now I have a hankering for it. Thanks for the chance.. would love the cookbook.. now come and enter my new giveaway:)
I love the Jell-o mousse with starwaberry Jell-o. You have me thinking, I need totry and make it!
All we did was put milk on red jello. Didn't matter what flavor, but it HAD TO BE RED JELLO!! LOL :-)
Unfortunately, I don't have a favorite childhood recipe for jello as we didn't have that in Ukraine where I grew up :(
I loved the way my made made jello with bananas hidden inside and cool whip!
Great giveaway! I'm all about the jigglers! My mom used to make them and then cut them out with cookie cutters, mmmm!
I love YOU, but I hate JELLO, I betcha you didn't know that! and I think I came to a realization the other day, I dont think I like leftovers either, LOL!
Ohh not because of anything you have on your blog, just that I push them off on everyone else, leftovers I mean.
Jello cream cheesecake would have to be my all time favorite Jello recipe. I'm not sure where the recipe came from but I remember having it growing up.
I loved Knox Blox...I really should make some. Haven't had any in years!!!
my favorite way to eat jello was always with mandarin oranges and cool whip on top. my mom would make it all the time during the summer!
I've always loved jello! My grandma used to make a jello that had walnuts and mini marshmallows in it - I know that sounds horrible, but I loved it as a kid!
Maybe because it was made with love! :D
I'll link to your giveaway tomorrow!
ohhh fun giveaway! my mom used to make jello and cut it out into fun shapes
Plain red Jello by the spoonfuls out of the fridge.
I love eating Jell-O!
The first time I had my first Jell-O when I studied in Kansas. During that time, there's no Jell-O in Indonesia (but we do have gelatin) but these days, it's very easy to buy it in the local supermarket. Although it's quite pricey but I often buy it, not just because I love eating it but also it brings me nice memory :)
It would be really great to know how to make Jell-O in different ways because I'm always eating it plain.
Yum, I love jello. My favorite is simple - orange jello with mandarin oranges. Classic staple in my house growing up.
Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!
Oh wow thats awesome. My favourite jello is Strawberry Jello.....Hmmm name itself seduces my tastebuds.....Good Luck everyone.....Happy Spring!
As a kid, I loved raspberry jello. It was fruity and refreshing, and oh so much fun, especially bade into knox Blox to slurp up!
As a kid my mother always made us Jell-o parfaits for dessert. My favorite flavor was cherry. She would layer jello cubes, fresh fruit, whipped cream, until the dessert glass was full. Those were the best desserts. She would pair strawberries with strawberry flavor, etc etc those were so good!
We call them "Götterspeise" here in Germany which translates them into God's food. No idea why and where this came from! It's great fun shaking them and watching them wiggle! My favourite was always red and green
My favorite jello recipe was the jigglers!! I still make them today I loved them so much. I also remember the first time I had the Striped Jello Pudding cake where you pourd pudding over the top of a cake you had poked holes in, and then you also made a frosting with the jello pudding and cool whip. Yumm!
Jello pie -- where you mix cool whip and jello together and pour into a graham cracker crust and freeze. The berry blue one was always my favorite!
Watergate Salad! It was made with pistachio jello, walnuts or pecans, and cream cheese. Always present at family reunions!
There are so many great ways to use Jello! Mmmm
I loved jello with cool whip. Plain, simple, and yummy :)
One of the few 'semi-homemade' recipes that I will make is either dirt or sand.
Crumbled cookies, pudding and Cool Whip, never mind that addictive taste, it was all about the texture!
Great giveaway!
My mom always made layered jello which as I child I thought was the greatest thing ever!
I used to love any jello with fruit chunks in it. But fresh fruit, not the canned kind.
I loved (still do) pineapple Jell-o after solidified to be cut in cubes, mix with pineapple chunks and pineapple whipped cream refrigerated ...so nice.. happy Jell-o comp.
Green jello was my favorite.
I love it!
As a kid I always went for the plain and simple layered jello. Which mom never did of course. It was always at grandma's. She would let us pick our flavors and we would use her clear party cups to create our layers.
My mom used to get this raspberry jello mix from the market which she would let me make. It was so exciting waiting for the jello to set. I just couldn't wait....I would keep checking, so much so that there would be my finger prints all over it! :-)
I loved 'stained glass' Jell-O: one packet was mixed with milk so that it was opaque and separately, another flavor was made as usual, which was then cut into cubes and put into the first mix as it was semi-firm. When you cut into it, it looked like a stained glass window!
Jello beans! I got these mold for jello jelly beans and they were a family hit for years.
I love jello in different colors with runny cream!!! Yummee!! Great book!!!
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